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Academic Best Practices

At NDIM we strive to educate and empower each student so that they are able to excel and transform as future leaders and managers. In order to do so we ensure that we conduct FDPs, MDPs related to teaching, research, administration and personal development. At NDIM a lot of emphasis is put on a holistic development of both Students as well as teachers which enriches and induces an All-round Learning Environment and an Academic Eco-System. The faculties are urged to present academic papers, improve teaching pedagogy and share learnings with our students.

The students are given subject assignments and urged to actively participate in Role Plays, Case Studies, Management Games, Quizzes, Student Seminars /Webinars, Industrial Visits and Annual Fests.

In NDIM, we strictly adhere to outcome-based education. The aim of education is to prepare learners for life in society and for performing tasks. It is the intention of the outcome-based approach to focus as much on the process of learning and the final outcome or result, as on the knowledge and skills.

To maintain high standards of educations and to closely monitor academic excellence, innovative practices like classroom observations, remedial classes for weak students, special maths workshops for non-maths students, English speaking courses, and regular feedback from students are continuing process at NDIM.


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Meritorious Students

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Academic Clubs

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Innovative Practices

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